Economy Tickle

$950.00 plus GST

Economy Tickle – Designed to return an improved economy in turbo diesel engines.

Closes your EGR valve via your ECU to keep exhaust gases and carbon out of your intake.
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Economy Tickle – Good Power & Maximum Economy

Designed to return an improved economy in turbo diesel engines.
By adjusting the calibration of torque limits on the engine, at lower RPM you will benefit from additional performance and improved economy. At higher RPM the software will encourage shifting up through the gearbox, to keep the engine running in its optimal performance window. Economy Tickle is a very popular choice with large fleet owners, where the extra Litres /100km improvement counts on operating costs.

Additional information

EGR Soft Close

Add a 'soft close' for your EGR. Closes the Exhaust Gas Recirculation system to keep carbon out of your intake. Reversible, done via ECU.